Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Ford SYNC 3 AppLink

Stay connected using Ford SYNC 3 AppLink

How to sync your phone to AppLink

The future is now. We have the world at our fingertips. The classic bar argument between friends has been all but eliminated by the fact that we can now reach into our pocket and pull out a fancy little machine that will give us the answers to such hard-hitting questions as, “Who was that one guy in that one movie? Wasn’t he in that other movie with that other guy?” Of course, triviality is not the only benefit we gain by today’s technological advances. We can stay connected and access important information like maps or send messages to our friends asking for a ride home. And now, thanks to SYNC 3 on 2016 Ford models, we can actually connect our phones to our rides. Here’s how to sync your phone to AppLink.

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a flat tire

What can you do if you get a flat tire?

Changing a flat tire

You’re driving along a city road on a cool winter’s day when you catch a last-second glimpse of a puddle. You wince as your vehicle slams into what is actually a deep, jagged pothole disguised by a pool of the season’s precipitation. You hope against hope that your tire is okay, but alas, you hear the dreaded FLAP, FLAP, FLAP as you roll forward, the steering wheel jerking awkwardly in your grip. You don’t have roadside assistance, so you’re going to have to take care of this problem yourself. If you follow these steps for changing a flat tire, you should be back on the road before you know it.

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2016 Ford F-150

Picking an Engine in the 2016 Ford F-150

The 2016 Ford F-150 is going to have four engine choices for you to pick from, which will look familiar to those who are fans of the 2015 model. Now, there’s a ton of choices to make when it comes to picking a new truck, but one of the most important things to consider is the engine. Need some help? Here’s some tips for picking an engine in the 2016 Ford F-150.

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Ford sync 3

How to dim the Ford Sync 3 Screen

There’s an almost endless number of good things about the new Ford Sync 3 system, but there is one issue that has been persisting with some of its users and our customers. A bright screen of any kind can be a distraction at night, and the Sync 3 is no exception. To fix this, there’s a number of included features to make sure this doesn’t occur. In this blog post we’ll teach you how to dim the Ford Sync 3 Screen. Read the rest of this entry >>

tire sale

Huge Tire Sale near Brainerd MN

Routine auto maintenance is incredibly important. It’s keeps your vehicle safe, running well, and getting the proper mileage it should. If left undone, it can be detrimental to your own safety, as well as those around you. Even before then, it will start costing you though. Having worn down tires increases how frequently you’ll have to fill up your car.

One of the most important parts of your car to have in good condition is the tires. Thankfully, we’re having a huge tire sale near Brainerd MN at Houston Ford.

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2015 Ford F-150

How do I Activate Sport Mode in a 2015 Ford F-150?

How do I Activate Sport Mode in a 2015 Ford F-150?

We love all Ford vehicles, but even we have to admit that we have a special place in our heart for the Ford F-150, especially the newest 2015 aluminum model. The lighter body allows it to do what no other truck can, while still retaining the power of its predecessors. The 2015 Ford F-150 has a special mode borrowed from the 2015 Ford Mustang that gives you a highly responsive control over the road. Read the rest of this entry >>

Ford Fiesta models in two colors

Top Five Practical Car Color Considerations

When it comes to buying a new car, or even a high quality used vehicle, color is important. Here are our top five practical car color considerations to help you make that choice.

What boils in the summertime?

A black car is definitely the worst choice if you’re sensitive to sweltering summer days. While no color is immune from roasting temperatures, white and lighter-colored cars are less likely to boil you alive when you get back in.

What helps avoid accidents?

There hasn’t been much conclusive research, but white cars show a very small decrease for daytime accidents. So, if you want to be sure they see you coming as soon as possible, so you can stay out of the shop, white or a brighter color may be the best option for you. Try to avoid highway-colored vehicles. Read the rest of this entry >>

car keys

How to Get New Keys for Your Ford vehicle

While 94% of the time you only regularly use one key for your Ford vehicle, there will always be a day you leave one set locked in the house or in the car. For times like those, it’s important to have a spare key (or two). Most car purchases include two keys, but if you bought a used car and only got one, or have tendency to forget where you put important items, it might be good to stock up now. We at Houston Ford are happy to help you get keys before you need them. Here’s a little bit about how to get new keys for your Ford vehicle.

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2016 Ford Explorer

Why does my Ford Explorer shake over 60mph?

While most anything that makes your SUV shake at high speeds will call for a trip to the shop, it’s always nice to have a reasons for the rattle. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why does my Ford Explorer shake over 60mph?” here are three possible explanations. Your local car service professional can diagnose the exact cause, and get you back on the road without feeling shaken and stirred.

Rusty, dirty or battered brake rotors can cause shake

Dirt, wear or even irregular rusting patterns on brake rotors, especially on older cars, can influence not just how well your vehicle stops but the feel of your ride over certain speeds. Depending on the problem, the rotors can be cleaned, replaced or filed down to smooth out your Ford Explorer‘s ride.

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